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What is Vascular Dementia?

devoted guardians what is vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is developed due to a reduced supply of blood to the brain as a result of malfunctioned blood vessels. Blood is delivered to the brain cells through a network of vessels, collectively known as the vascular system. For the proper and healthy functioning of brain cells, a constant supply of blood is needed in order to bring nutrients and oxygen.

“Dementia”, is a broad term that defines a variety of conditions and diseases which are developed when nerve cells (neurons) in the brain are no longer functioning normally or die. This malfunctioning of neurons is responsible for conditions like memory problems, unclear thinking, and improper basic bodily functions.

What Causes Vascular Dementia?

When the vascular system in the brain is damaged as a result of leaked or blocked vessels, blood will not reach the brain cells properly, and they will die. Those dead brain cells can cause problems with reasoning, thinking, and memory. When these cognitive problems have a significant effect on your daily routine, this is referred to as Vascular Dementia.

Based on the type of symptoms, vascular dementia has various types that include,

  • Stroke-related dementia
  • Post-stroke dementia
  • Single-infarct and multi-infarct dementia
  • Subcortical dementia
  • Mixed dementia (vascular dementia & Alzheimer’s disease)

Vascular Dementia is considered to be the second most common form of dementia, and age is the key factor for Vascular Dementia. From the statistical analysis, it is observed that after an average age of 65, the conditions of developing vascular dementia doubles every five years and people with heart diseases or diabetes or who had a stroke are twice likely to be at the risk of developing vascular dementia.

What Is The Difference Between Dementia & Vascular Dementia?

As already discussed, Dementia is an umbrella term that is followed up by malfunctioning and dying of brain cells, and vascular dementia is one of the types of dementia that is caused by the destruction of a human vascular system that is responsible for the constant flow of blood to the brain cells.

What Are The Early Signs Of Vascular Dementia?

Based on which area of the brain is affected, a person suffering from vascular dementia has sudden mood changes, depression, anxiety and several other early signs that may include…

  • Problems with making decisions or solving problems, or organizing something
  • Difficulties in doing activities where you have to follow a series of steps like cooking
  • Slowing down from thinking
  • Feeling lost in familiar surroundings
  • Losing control over bladder or bowel
  • Difficulties in concentration
  • Suffer from sudden confusion for a short period
  • The problem in fluency while speaking
  • Difficulties in perceiving three-dimensional objects
  • Difficulties in recalling recent events
  • You may become more emotional

In the early stages, a person with dementia can also experience impaired balance or walking problems. If any of those symptoms get worse, this may signal a possible future stroke.

When To Get Help

Observing any of the symptoms can help to control the significance and severity of vascular dementia.  Observing the early signs of vascular dementia needs an understanding to the risk factors included and taking precautionary measures can help to keep those early signs under control.

Vascular Dementia Home Care & Caregiving In Wichita, KS – Call (316) 691-5050

Are you or a loved one suffering from the effects of Vascular Dementia to the point at which you think you might want some help with your daily activities? Progressive Care is one of the top-rated home care agencies in the Wichita Valley in Kansas. We cover the entire Wichita metro area and put our caregivers through a rigorous evaluation before hiring them.

If you think you or someone else may want or need assistance, please feel free to give us a call at (316) 691-5050.