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What is the First Stage of Paralysis?

What is the First Stage of Paralysis?

Paralysis comes in various forms. In addition, the extent to which someone is paralyzed may change with time, physical therapy, and changes in health.

The first symptoms of paralysis are usually easy to recognize. During the early stage of paralysis, a person may feel tingling or numbness in the affected region. This feeling comes before the onset of paralysis.

When paralysis sets in, the person gradually loses function in the affected body area. As a result, they may experience confusion and clumsiness, along with changes in mood and behavior, personality changes, and cognitive difficulties (memory, thinking, talking, etc.).

Other common early signs of paralysis may involve the following:

Muscle weakness
Numbness in the affected part of the body
Neck pain
Muscle cramping
Severe headache
Changes in vision and hearing

Following a stroke or brain damage, a person may experience monoplegia or paralysis of a single body part (typically one arm or leg). When the nerves are not entirely destroyed, monoplegia might be a temporary condition that improves with time.